Rendered Useless is a competition that speaks for itself. The goal is to submit a single rendering of anything that represents an objects, person, place, etc. that has been rendered useless by the advent of a new technology. This representation can be from any point in history.


The entire image must be a 3-D object creation, which has then been rendered as only one image.


The final image must be a 300 dpi image on 24x36 sheet. Please send in png and pdf formats.


Cost: $10 per entry (Multiple entries are accepted)


The 3d object does not need to be a 100% literal interpretation. Abstract representations are encouraged as long as they are first created as a 3d object using whatever software you are most comfortable with and then rendered to the appropriate size. Finalists may be asked to provide additional views. For the first round, only one view (in png and pdf) will be accepted. If multiple views are submitted in the first round by the same candidate, only the first one will count towards judging.


More than one entry per person will be accepted, but each entry costs the same amount. Additional views of a previous entry do not count as a new entry.


Individuals in any field may enter. There are no restrictions.  Children under 18 may enter with parental consent.


By submitting an entry, you agree to allow Rendered Useless and its proprieters to showcase your image in a gallery to be determined as well as digitally on the rendered useless website for no more than 2 years following the submission. Whatever form the image is in, physical or digital, credit to you, the original artist, will be included.